The Sages gave me more than knowledge in culinary arts, working experience in real world and improve
my culinary skill that I never got before. I'm proud to be The Sages's alumni.
CITRA AYU RAHMAWATI, Beatus Alfresco Dining & Grill - Sous Chef
Alumny of The Sages Institute, International class of 2007
The interest things to learn at Sages wasn't just about getting some recipes and know how to cook, but the students are required to be more creative in creating new cuisine, skilled in various culinary products, also managing cost.
Now I'm working as a restaurant consultant, which provide service of provides menu & recipes, promotion, concept, also train the employees of new restaurant. There are so many opportunity in Culinary world that u can reach!
NOVAN ANGGARA, CV. Boganusajaya - Operational Director
Alumni of Sages Institute, International of class 2007